Deal Alert: Fidelity Growth Partners India Leads an INR 400Crore(US$ 75 million) Investment Round in Trivitron Healthcare Private Limited
From the Press Release: Trivitron Healthcare Private Limited (Trivitron) announced today that Fidelity Growth Partners India (FGPI) hasanchored a round of investmentof approximately INR 400crores (US$ 75 million).This investment also provides partial exits for ePlanet Ventures and Headland Capital, who have been invested in Trivitron since 2007. For the past fifteen years, Trivitronhas been India’s largest exclusive pan India wholesale distributor and after-sales support provider of medical equipment and devices. Its areas of expertise include imaging, lab diagnostics, cardiology, critical care,renal care, operating room and ophthalmology equipment. Trivitron is the partner of choice for anyforeign manufacturer looking to enter the country on account of its strong reputation and track record, national sales-and-service network and robust logistics infrastructure. Over the past few years, subsidiaries and joint ventures of Trivitron havebeen steadily laying the f...