TIME FOR ACQUIHIRES TO TREND AGAIN? COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on all economies and businesses across the globe. While some of the businesses will sail through to see better times in the future, some will not. Specifically, smaller companies and startups at nascent stages may be handicapped with no funds or hope to recover. The rise in number of troubled companies may result in a lot of distress sale transactions soon. A distress sale can be structured in different ways – asset sale, share sale, slump sale, mergers or acquihire transactions. Some of the sectors have been positively affected by the prevalence of COVID-19; particularly, the ones driven by technology. The market leaders in tech sectors are in constant need for qualified and senior employees to expand their teams and launch varied products/services. So, it may be safe to say that the acquihire trend may well be back again and provide some respite to troubled companies. An acquihire is where a company is being acquired for