Extracts from "Black & White and More" by Raj Nair, Chairman, Avalon Consulting which discusses the impact in 2017, of the 3 Black Swan events of 2016: Brexit, Trump’s Presidency and Modi’s demonetization (emphasis ours): There is enough material to understand Trump’s DNA including his own book, “ Art of the Deal .” He displays a megalomaniac exterior to cover his insecurities and his very vulnerable ego . He is more a deal maker than a leader. ...He recommends and also uses ‘hope’ and ‘fear’ most of the time to soften his counter party or his own people to accept his proposition and then sells them a grand dream which is beyond their stretch, to win them over. The electorate lapped it up. He gave them some hope and a lot of fear during his campaign. He will continue to do that with counterparties in negotiations. His ego is easily punctured and vengeful acts are par for the course . ...It is therefore safe to conclude that eventually, Trump’s bite as