Angel investor and former Snapdeal executive Anand Chandrasekaran has confirmed quitting Facebook after a two-year stint at the social networking giant’s Menlo Park headquarters. Anand was serving as Director of Platforms and Product Partnerships. Prior to Facebook, the Stanford University and PSG College of Technology graduate had served as Chief Product Officer at Snapdeal and its unit Freecharge (May 2015 to Jul 2016) and before that, Airtel (2013-2015). Anand’s exit from Facebook quickly follows Neeraj Arora’s quitting as Chief Business Officer of the Facebook owned WhatsApp, after a 7 year stint. Neeraj, who described himself as "all things business at WhatsApp" on his LinkedIn profile , had earlier worked in Corporate Development roles at Google and Times Internet. The Indian School of Business and IIT-Delhi graduate has also served on the board of Paytm. Venture Intelligence is India's longest serving provider of data and analysis on Private Compan...