United Press International has an article on the return of interest in Internet-based services companies - aka "dotcoms" - in India.
Arun Natarajan is the Founder of Venture Intelligence India, which tracks venture capital activity in India and Indian-founded companies worldwide. View sample issues of Venture Intelligence India newsletters and reports.
"India is particularly appealing for a number of reasons, such as being forecasted to be the world's largest economy by mid-century, GDP growth of 8 percent, world-class companies and talent in offshore technology services," Arora (Manik Arora of Battery Ventures) says. "The Internet/enabled consumer services opportunity in India is particularly promising given the emergence of a middle-class with purchasing power and increased Internet connectivity," he added.
Arun Natarajan is the Founder of Venture Intelligence India, which tracks venture capital activity in India and Indian-founded companies worldwide. View sample issues of Venture Intelligence India newsletters and reports.