Chennai-based Animation Production Company, present in verticals such as Animation Production, Training, Post-Production with a very strong customer base in India, with Projects in hand for full length animated feature film from Hollywood, wishes to induct a private equity partner.
The funds are to be used for opening up a new animation college, Co-Productions with a well established Hollywood company, expanding to new markets with it's cutting-edge techniques that it has developed in animation and strengthen the current market share. The company has a great track record and owns IP. Media & Entertainment sector has a huge growth potential with great ROI.
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Chennai-based Animation Production Company, present in verticals such as Animation Production, Training, Post-Production with a very strong customer base in India, with Projects in hand for full length animated feature film from Hollywood, wishes to induct a private equity partner.
The funds are to be used for opening up a new animation college, Co-Productions with a well established Hollywood company, expanding to new markets with it's cutting-edge techniques that it has developed in animation and strengthen the current market share. The company has a great track record and owns IP. Media & Entertainment sector has a huge growth potential with great ROI.
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