A Entrepreneur.com article interviewing Karthik Prabhakar, Director - IDG Ventures, quotes Venture Intelligence data on the funding scenario in India:
Venture Intelligence is India's longest serving provider of data and analysis on Private Company Financials, Transactions (private equity, venture capital and M&A) & their Valuations in India.
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"there have been 90 VC investments in Q1 worth $270 M+ compared to 120 investments in the same quarter of previous year (Source: Venture Intelligence). Hence, there is no real drastic slowdown in the early stage investments as such. "We at Venture Intelligence have maintained that, barring 2015, Q1 2016 has been one of the best quarters for VC funding. Re-Catch the Coverage below:
Venture Intelligence is India's longest serving provider of data and analysis on Private Company Financials, Transactions (private equity, venture capital and M&A) & their Valuations in India.
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