In an article for Business Today, Gopal Jain of PE firm Gaja Capital, makes a passionate case for encouraging private enterprise in Education.
Arun Natarajan is the Founder & CEO of Venture Intelligence, the leading provider of data and analysis on private equity, venture capital and M&A deals in India. View free samples of Venture Intelligence newsletters and reports. Email the author at
The education sector is reserved for not-for profit (NFP) entities and this ensures adverse selection by blocking conscientious entrepreneurs who are unwilling to operate for-profit (FP) businesses under the guise of NFP as most currently do.
...The cap on revenues through price controls on fee and constant government sponsored inflation of expenses by obligating compliance with pay commission hikes, etc., are huge stumbling blocks...Institutional funding is unavailable: NFPs involve huge off-balance sheet settlements, rendering them out of bounds for institutional lenders and financiers.
...We can argue endlessly, but we don’t have 300 years to perfect a welfare state, like the western countries did. India’s poor understand that education is the mantra behind their emancipation and they are not willing to wait. Some 175 strife-riddled districts in India are proof of their impatience. Are we waiting for more?
Arun Natarajan is the Founder & CEO of Venture Intelligence, the leading provider of data and analysis on private equity, venture capital and M&A deals in India. View free samples of Venture Intelligence newsletters and reports. Email the author at